Monday, June 15, 2009

This Says it all: Thank you J&PR!!!!! Common Market Class in Frederick, MD

I loved your class at Common Market Saturday!  It was awesome.  I’m planning to attend all your classes at Common Market.  Your presentation was so informative and interesting…….You are a natural!  And the food was delicious.  Thank you for sharing so much with all of us.  So far I’ve made the green drink 2 x, the Thai soup (that was to die for!)-- John loved it too!, the Apple Treat (absolutely delicious), and the banana ice cream with strawberry sauce (Mmmmmmm!!)  We made it Saturday and Sunday nights!  We have a huge patch of organic blackberries growing in our yard and I can’t wait for them to ripen so I can make a blackberry sauce for the ice cream.  I’m making the cabbage this week and the lemonade too.  What a great menu, what a great time.  You were born to teach and you do belong on the food channel!  J

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