Thursday, September 29, 2016

How Can Small Changes, Change your Life?

Here is my Professional flyer. Please share it with your doctors, coworkers or the Human Resource Department, friends and family in need of true healing!!

**Corporate Lunch & Learns are educational, hands on and delicious with Chelly.

**Does your Doctor spend more than 15 minutes with you? I give you an hour our first meeting.

**Are you tired of being sick and tired, overweight and addicted to pills that are not solving the underlying problems, I can help.

**Do you need more energy and more vegetables in your life?

**Are you suffering from Dis-Ease? 
Like Cardiovascular Disease (Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol), Crohns, IBS, Anemia, ADD, ADHD, Eczema, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Unhealthy Children, Colds, Flu, Fatigue, any form of Cancer, Joint Pain, Diverticulitis, dry skin, hair loss or slow reacting immune system?

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